Download your Confident Food Allergy Mom Checklist

Get the ultimate checklist that covers all areas of the food allergy lifestyle in one place. This checklist was prepared by a food allergy mom, for other food allergy moms. The Confident Food Allergy Mom Checklist is for you if you are looking for a simple guide without spending hours online.
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    We Need Simple Tools to Face Overwhelming Tasks

    Parenting a child with food allergies can be overwhelming and this checklist can help you see in one place the things that you need to consider. It is meant to be a helpful guide for a huge task.

    Caring for a child with food allergies is a huge responsibility

    Your child's well-being is your responsibility and food allergies adds more difficulty to being a parent. You are not alone, and this checklist is meant to help you. This checklist addresses the particular issues, and situations that affect your life when you are managing food allergies as a mom.

    My Personal Journey

    Hi! I'm Lydia. As a food allergy mom, I know how overwhelming it can be to care for a child with food allergies, and how confusing it can be to find all the information you need. My own story as a food allergy mom started when my son was three years old and at the end of a day trip to an amusement park, he started developing a rash all over his body. Trying to figure out what was going on, and then finding proper care for him was an overwhelming experience. By sharing what I have learned in a simple way, I hope to help other moms feeling less overwhelmed.